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Well… yeah. It is news. And now the ‘Bring 90’s back’ trend is making all the impact.


Some are arguing if Space Jam 2 is a sequel or just a re-make. But that is not the point. The point is right now all the people who is consuming the most content at the movies and television are the ones who were on the couch (or more likely in the floor) in the 90’s watching cartoons and TV shows with better music than today.


Yes, I’m talking about all the millennial people. And of course, that includes me. We are the perfect target nowadays for… almost everything. TV series, Video games, Films, Food, Music, Condoms, Church, everything! But one thing is that with all nowadays technology can improve some things an another thing is how it can ruin all.


Since Pokemon was created, we all have wanted to live in that world. And Pokemon Go and now Pokemon Let’s Go are really going in the right direction. Next generation would have the pleasure of doing in VR and that is just amazing. BUUUUUTTTTT….. another thing is just changing the content and not doing it right.


Despite of the 38% critic that Rotten Tomatoes gave to Space Jam it was just something of culture. Something that all us enjoyed. It wasn’t the perfect movie but it just blew our minds. All parts of the film, since watching Daffy duck going against Michael’s dog to Bill Murray and to the climax of the long-loong-looong-loooong arm making the final score to win the game were a really joy to view.


I don’t want to go against LeBron. I just want to scream about this happening. Why can’t they leave the good things just as they were. I just wish to be shut up by the movie. I want to go, watch it, and just be ashamed of what I wrote. But frankly, that’s not so much the likely future. Or… Have anybody forgot the masterpiece of Mr. Shyamalan?

Oh my ***** everything! That was really really an attack to the soul. Only competing with Dragonball Evolution for the worst movie ever… That was a proof that someone can crush our dreams. My favorite animated series ever created was destroyed. But not the normal ‘destroyed’ NO. It was ate, puked, ate again, shitted, ate by the monster of consumption and then puked again, then it was shipped in a hand grenade and exploded in the grossest space of the world.


I just hope that this time they can do it right. I know. I know. This time the TV series will be supervised by the original creators. But come on, don’t you get tired of all re-makes/live-actions/long waited sequels that are being doing just to get money of us all?


Some videos and stuff that will get you in the mood of this news:





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